Category Archives: Very Fine House

My House is a Very Fine House! A Photo Saga of a Remodeling Project


My house it is a very fine house. These are pictures of before…actually the house as listed for sale and pictures courtesy of the real estate agent.

Follow along on this blog as regular updates are posted. Watch the house as it is transformed into a home.

Front of House before the remodel

Front of House

Winter here now…so not a whole lot of changes to be done outside…but do see landscaping in the spring.

Kitchen Before remodel

Kitchen Before

another Kitchen photo before remodeling

More Kitchen Before

Ah yeah….I love old houses. The cabinets are pretty much original to when they decided to put cabinets in the house. My guess is these are from the 60’s Different heights, shapes and while it looks pretty nice I already know the truth as there is another blog forthcoming showing the tearout….yikes!

Master Bedroom Before remodeling

Master Bedroom Before

Pink carpet one thing but can you say pink carpet that has been in the house since the 80’s maybe 90’s…eeek.I just saw the border of wall paper on the walls…that isn’t there any more someone must have taken it down for me…nice.

Bedroom 2 Before remodeling

Bedroom 2 Before

One of two small bedrooms on the main floor. Little secret and pictures soon…there is lovely maple flooring under this carpet.


Bathroom Before tearing it out

Bathroom Before


More Bathroom Before ripping it apart

More Bathroom Before

Pink (surprise) and green and lots of cultured marble? Is that what you call that on the walls?


Basement Before the update

Basement Before

Attic Before the updates

Attic Before



So can’t tell by this much but it is loaded with paneling but a nice big space. Not sure what to do up here as I certainly do not need another bedroom. I am sure I will think of something stay tuned for more!





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