Whether it is labeled as a “headwind” or a full-blown recession, the past couple of years have been financially tough on most all denominations and faiths
Some have seen revenues at the collection plate fall by over 40%. Once unheard of, bankruptcies filings are becoming normal. In January The Wall Street Journal stated “Over the past two years, 200 religious facilities have been foreclosed, up from 8 the previous two years”.
The answer to improving church finances is to borrow less. The way to borrow less, is to spend less.
Here is where Atlas Signs and Plaques enters the picture with religious plaques at an affordable price. By using modern, long-lasting materials, Atlas Signs and Plaques can provide religious and church plaques at about 1/3 the price as from a foundry. That’s right, beautiful church signage at a price that stretches scarce resources!
The photos in this post are of St. Mary’s Cemetery in Burlington WI. They were kindly sent to us by Bob Straus who wrote:
Enclosed are photos of our cemetery chapel. You may may use them on your web site if you care to…. Thanks again for all your help in designing the plaque.
Bob Straus
Thanks for the photos of your beautiful chapel.