Would you like your toes cut off?
I don’t think I need to ramble on why it isn’t right. Google the phrase “declawing cats” and see just what a barbaric practice it is, and why it should be banned in the USA.
Our cats, Atlas and Shrugs, (pictured above) have all of their claws. They never cause any damage in the house, but do spend time at the scratching post which is a $20.00 item available from pet stores everywhere. They are happy, can scratch their ears, groom, and defend themselves. We can’t imagine mutilating them for our convenience. They are good and gentle kitties and never extend their claws except to do the natural cat things. They have never drawn blood from us. We could never cause them the pain of major surgery. Just look at the online photos of how extreme this practice is and you will probably change your mind.
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Update, November 3, 2010. We received this great note from Tracey: