How to get free HDU, That’s Right, Free High Densiity Polyurethane Sign Foam

No catches, no tricks, free, you only pay the postage. Alright, here is the straight skinny. These are our scraps.

30 pound, High Density Polyurethane Sign Foam is used as the substrate for the beautiful metal coated signs and plaques created by America’s favorite place for signs, Atlas Signs and Plaques. Although we try to utilize every square inch to avoid waste and inefficiency, there are some pieces that just are not large enough to use. So, in keeping with our environmental policy of reusing, recycling, and reclaiming, we keep our landfill use to a minimum by giving away our Sign Foam cutoffs for free.

Just go to the Supplies and Samples page at Atlas Signs and Plaques. You will see the free products listed. Just click and order. This offer is only good until the scraps are gone. Then we remove the offer until more scrap is generated.

HDU is a wonderful product that has almost replaced wood in the signage industry. It is waterproof and will not warp, split, rot, decompose, or crack. But wait, it gets better. HDU’s lack of grain makes it a dream to hand carve, machine, sand, and rout. Its workability makes it a great material choice for model making and prototyping. It is super material to use with with your CarveWright or CompUCarve machine. Order some today. Good for us, good for you, and good for our environment.

These are scraps and we make no promises as to sizes,  so don’t expect a 4 x 8 sheet, and please don’t ask for specific sizes. The pieces can be glued using a urethane glue such as Gorilla Glue. If you would like larger pieces, we will sell them to you from the same page as the free scraps.

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